Apply for Disability Benefits
Since 1989, DABC’s Advocacy Access Program has been a place of support, information and one-to-one assistance for people with all disabilities.
Each year, our advocates assist hundreds of people in-house to apply for and appeal the denial of provincial (known as PWD) and federal (Canada Pension Plan – Disability) disability benefits. We help hundreds more over the phone and by email. We also support other organizations across BC to assist people with disabilities through our workshops and publications.
An Appointment is Needed to See An Advocate
Looking for help with a PWD Application booklet? Our advocates can help!
In order to receive assistance from the Advocacy Access program with a PWD application please ensure that the following three criteria have been met to be placed on our waitlist:
- Applied for income assistance online at myselfserve.gov.bc.ca
- Have a blank PWD Application booklet
- Have a medical professional (general practitioner, specialist or nurse practitioner) who is willing to support you with the application.
To accurately assist clients with their PWD application, Advocates will schedule an appointment and ask in depth questions to assess how their disabilities impact their daily living activities. Appointments can be done over the phone or in person depending on the client’s preference. Appointments can typically take anywhere from 1-3 hours depending on the medical situation of the client.
Our advocates can support clients with section 1 of the application as well as supporting their medical practitioner with section 2 and connecting them with an assessor for section 3.
There is a big demand for one-to-one assistance from our advocates, so please call Advocacy Access to book your appointment. Thank you.
New Fact Sheet: Fees to Complete the PWD Application
Physicians, Nurse Practitioners and other professionals are paid through MSP or the Ministry of Health to complete Sections 2 and 3 of the Persons with Disabilities Designation Application. The medical practitioner should not charge the patient any extra fees for completing the PWD application.
DABC has created a new Fact Sheet on PWD application fees and what to do if your medical practitioner tries to charge you for filling out their portion(s) of the PWD Application form.
Read the full Fact Sheet: PWD Fees Fact Sheet.
Looking for help with CPP-D? Our advocates can help!
In order to receive assistance from the Advocacy Access program with a CPP-D application please ensure that the following four criteria have been met to be placed on our waitlist:
- Be under the age 65
- From a medial standpoint are no longer able to work for the foreseeable future
- Have a medical professional (general practitioner, specialist or nurse practitioner) who is willing to support them with the application
- Request a CPP Statement of Contributions from Service Canada
Please reach out to us if you are looking for help with PWD or CPP-D applications and related benefits. We may also be able to help with other MSDPR related benefits such as nutritional supplement applications, denials of benefits and EAAT hearings as well as CPP-D reconsiderations and SST hearings. There is a big demand for one-to-one assistance from our advocates, so please call or email Advocacy Access to be placed on our waitlist. Thank you!
604-872-1278 in the Lower Mainland | Toll Free: 1-800-663-1278
Download our Advocacy Access brochure.
Support for Newcomers and Interpretation Services
DABC’s Advocacy Access program has partnered with MOSAIC to establish the Accessibility for Newcomers Project. As part of this project, immigrants and refugees with disabilities are able to get connected with advocates for disability support services.
If you are a client receiving assistance with PWD or CPPD benefits and require interpretation assistance in any language other than English, or require ASL interpretation during your appointment, please let us know and we will arrange that for you.
Disability Benefits Compass
Want to learn more about PWD, PPMB AND CPP-D? Prosper Canada, alongside DABC, Plan Institute, and the Social Research and Demonstration Corporation, have developed a Disability Benefits Compass tool to help navigate principal disability benefits. Click on the tool below for more information on these benefits and how to get started.