File Income Taxes
Tax Assistance and Information for People with Disabilities DABC (Tax AID DABC): Through this program, we assist British Columbians with disabilities living on low incomes with simple income tax filings and information/referrals.
PLEASE NOTE: We’re experiencing a high volume of calls and emails at the moment. If your request is urgent, please mark your email with the heading “URGENT”. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Expanded Tax AID Program
Since 2015, advocates with Tax AID DABC have been providing free support to people receiving Persons with Disabilities (PWD) and Persons with Persistent Multiple Barriers to Employment (PPMB) benefits to file their taxes. In 2018, DABC’s Tax AID program has expanded to three other organizations across BC. The Together Against Poverty Society (TAPS) provides services through the Tax AID TAPS on Vancouver Island; the Ki-Low-Na Friendship Society provides services through Tax AID Ki-Low-Na in the Interior; and the Active Support Against Poverty Society (ASAP) provides services in the North through Tax AID ASAP. Disability Alliance BC continues to provide services as Tax AID DABC in Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley. In addition to providing direct income tax filing services, Tax AID advocates are also available to hold workshops and community information sessions about income tax filing in communities around BC.
Link to Tax AID DABC Program website
How We Can Help
If you are a person with a disability living on a low income and you need help with your income tax returns from current or past years, DABC advocates can provide the following assistance:
- Help you gather the documents necessary to file your taxes
- Meet with you one-on-one to help you file your basic income tax return
- Provide information and advice (in-person, or by phone and/or email) about filing income tax returns
- Provide referrals to community organizations in your area that can help with more complex tax returns
An Appointment is Needed to See An Advocate
Our services are FREE and year-round. Please visit our On-line Appointment booking site on Jane App or call 236‑477‑1717 (toll-free: 1-877-940-7797) to book an appointment.
For more information about booking an appointment with Tax AID DABC, visit: https://disabilityalliancebc.org/direct-service/file-income-taxes/tax-appointment/.
Program Manager
Disability Alliance BC (DABC)
#1450-605 Robson Street, Vancouver, BC, V6B 5J3
Phone: 236-477-1717 & 1-877-940-7797 (Toll-free)
Email: taxaid@dabc.ca
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Ki-Low-Na Friendship Society
442 Leon Avenue, Kelowna BC V1Y 6J3
Phone: 250-763-4905 ext.215
Email: taxdisability@kfs.bc.ca
Together Against Poverty Society (TAPS)
828 View St, Victoria, BC V8W 1K2
Phone: 250-361-3521
Email: tax@tapsbc.ca
Active Support Against Poverty Society (ASAP)
1188 6th Avenue, Prince George, BC V2L 3M6
Phone: 250-563-6112 & 1-877-563-6112 (Toll-free)
Email: taxaid@asaphs.com
Our sincere thanks to the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction for funding this program expansion
And thank you to the Vancouver Foundation for the initial funding for Tax AID DABC