Help with the RDSP and DTC

The Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP), introduced in 2007, is a powerful way for eligible people with disabilities to save for their long-term financial security. It also enables people receiving social assistance to protect assets and income.

Introducing Access RDSP

In August 2016, DABC started operating Access RDSP in partnership with Plan Institute and the BC Aboriginal Network on Disability Society (BCANDS).

Access RDSP’s goal is simple: to increase the number of British Columbians who have an RDSP.

Through this partnership, DABC advocates provide direct service by:

  • Helping people who are eligible for the RDSP to apply for the Disability Tax Credit (DTC), a pre-requisite for the RDSP. To make applying easier, Access RDSP has created an interactive tax credit tool, which has recently been updated. Try out the My DTC tool here.
  • Going to the bank or credit union to help individuals open an RDSP
  • Connecting individuals who have the DTC to Plan Institute or BCANDS who will help people open an RDSP.

In addition to direct assistance, DABC and Plan Institute travel to communities across BC to raise awareness about Access RDSP. We provide information about the RDSP and DTC through workshops and one-on-one clinics, and meet with community organizations, banks, and credit unions to promote the RDSP.

Video – Planning for the Future: A Success Story

This video tells a story about a family that is making smart savings decisions. Watch it here.  If you want to learn more about the Registered Disability Savings Plan and options to help you or a loved one with a disability save for the future please contact one of the Access RDSP Partners (see the bottom of the page for contact information).

DTC Medical Fees Fund

People with disabilities should not have to pay money to access social and financial supports.

That’s why we’re launching the DTC Medical Fees Fund, to help people cover any charges by medical practitioners for assistance with the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) application. Please note that this fund is currently only available to residents of BC. 

Learn more here:

Disability Benefits Wayfinder

Want to learn more about the DTC and RDSP? Prosper Canada, alongside DABC, Plan Institute, and the Social Research and Demonstration Corporation, has developed a Disability Benefits Wayfinder tool to help you navigate principal disability benefits. Click on the tool below for more information on the DTC and RDSP and how to get started.

Disability benefits wayfinder site

Contact Access RDSP Partners


For help with the DTC and RDSP or to request a workshop, please call 604-872-1278; 1-800-663-1278 or email

Island Health Partnership

Access RDSP is partnering with Island Health to provide personalized support with the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) and Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) for children and youth (ages 19 and under) in the Island Health region, which includes the gulf islands.  

Learn more here.

Plan Institute

Plan Institute’s free Helpline (1-844-311-7526) offers one-to-one support and information about the RDSP and DTC. Want help opening an RDSP? Plan Institute’s advisors can connect to support you. Once you open your RDSP, you can also apply to Plan Institute for the Endowment 150, a free $150 grant for your RDSP. Visit for more information.


Indigenous people living in British Columbia who are looking for information surrounding the RDSP and DTC can connect with one of BCANDS’s Indigenous RDSP Navigators at, (250) 381–7303 – Ext: 204, or toll free: 1-888-815-5511 – Ext: 204.

These initiatives are made possible with generous support from the BC Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction and the Vancouver Foundation.

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