Survey - Library Services for People with Print Disabilities

The Services to People with Print Disabilities Working Group (SPPD) of the BC Library Road signs on post - Do not enter and Turn leftAssociation and the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) are jointly issuing a survey to people with print disabilities through their networks. The goal is to better understand the needs of people with print disabilities in regard to library services in order to begin building better provincial and federal supports.

The survey will be available until December 19, 2011 Please share this survey link widely.

If you have questions or concerns about the survey, please contact Deb Thomas, Co-chair of SPPD, at 604-436-5432, or Lori Sutej, consultant with CNIB at

November 19th is Municipal Election day in BC

Pile of voting ballotsDon’t forget to get out and vote tomorrow in your community. It’s your opportunity to have your opinion count on local issues. Here’s a link to information about Municipal Elections.

A Simple Way to Help BC Ambulance Service Help You Better

In the BCCPD’s August 2011 e-newsletter we announced a joint project with the BC Ambulance Service (BCAS) – the creation of a simple one-page form that enables people with disabilities and seniors to voluntarily and confidentially provide BCAS with information that will help them respond better to your needs in an emergency. Information about the form was also in our Transition magazine, fall/winter 2011.  Since we announced this initiative, the BCAS has reported receiving “a flurry of completed forms” from individuals and they are anticipating and welcome more.

For more information and to download the form from the BCCPD website, go to: