What We Do
Mission Statement
Our mission is to support people, with all disabilities, to live with dignity, independence and as equal and full participants in the community. We champion issues impacting the lives of people with disabilities through our direct services, community partnerships, advocacy, research and publications.
Services and Programs
- Our Advocacy Access Program provides one-on-one assistance with provincial and federal (Canada Pension Plan Disability) income supports and other benefits.
- Tax AID DABC helps people with disabilities living on low incomes to file their taxes year-round, and navigate other tax issues. Website: https://taxaiddabc.org/.
- Access RDSP helps people with the Disability Tax Credit and with opening a Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP).
- Our Disability Law Clinic is able to provide free legal advice and representation to people with disabilities who are dealing with human rights violations and discrimination.
- Our Right Fit Program matches wheelchair users with accessible, affordable housing
- The Community and Residents Mentors Association (CARMA) was inspired by the experience of people with disabilities who left care facilities and established their lives in the community. Its purpose is to identify a network of peer support and to facilitate building relationships between mentors in the community and residents of George Pearson Centre.
- Workshops: We provide workshops to community organizations, health care providers, businesses, and government.
- Accessibility Projects: DABC disburses funds provided by the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction, to organizations managing projects that promote greater accessibility and inclusivity for people with disabilities in BC communities.
- Accessible Organizations: The Accessible Organizations Project is a project funded by the Government of British Columbia and led by Disability Alliance BC. The purpose of the project is to support over 750 Prescribed Organizations meet the requirements of the Accessible BC Act.
Our programs and projects respond to community need and increase people’s ability to participate and contribute.
Systemic Advocacy
In addition to our Direct Services and Programs, DABC does a great deal of work behind the scenes to help bring about positive change for people with disabilities. Please read about our public policy advocacy work here.
Free Publications
We publish a range of capacity building, self-help guides and advocate resources, in reader-friendly language. Resources are provided free of charge, either by mail or from our website.
We stay connected with a large network of community organizations across BC and regularly provide them with updates about issues of importance to the disability community. We also partner with numerous other organizations and initiatives to carry out our programs and advocate for systemic change that will positively impact the lives of people with disabilities in BC.
Some of our partners include:
- Plan Institute
- BC Aboriginal Disability Network Society (BCANDS)
- BC Poverty Reduction Coalition
- Disability Without Poverty
- Together Against Poverty Society (TAPS)
- Ki-Low-Na Friendship Society
- Active Support Against Poverty Society (ASAP)
- Individualized Funding Resource Centre (IFRC)