Brain Tumour Info Days 2013

The Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada is hosting Vancouver Information Day on June 22nd as part of Brain Tumour Info Days 2013.

Saturday, June 22, 2013
9:00 am – 12:00 Noon
Children’s & Women’s Health Centre of BC
Chan Centre Auditorium
4480 Oak Street, Vancouver, BC


 Lost in Transition: Finding Your Way Amidst Constant Change: Susara Joubert, MSW, RSW

This presentation will highlight the brain tumour journey from diagnosis through survivorship and the obstacles and successes in between.

1. Defining transitions, specifically as it relates to the brain tumour journey.
2. Looking at current research; we will identify obstacles and successes in transition period.

Effective Advocacy Strengthens Communities: Family Support Institute (Si Stainton)

Effective advocacy skills help us and others get the support and services our families need while strengthening our communities. We will look at the different types of advocacy, the roles of various organizations, how effective advocacy strengthens communities, the advocacy process, and what it means to be an effective advocate.  The workshop is interactive and practical and emphasizes good communication, negotiation and assertiveness skills.

Register for this free event and find more details at or call 1-800-265-5106