Call for Proposals: Accessibility Project Grants

Disability Alliance BC is pleased to announce today, August 13, 2021 a Call for Proposals (CFP) for projects that promote greater accessibility and inclusivity for people with disabilities in BC communities. 

BC celebrated its first annual Accessibility Week from May 27th to June 2nd, 2018. As part of the Province’s goal to improve accessibility for people with disabilities in BC, DABC was selected by the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction (MSDPR) to disburse funding to community based “Accessibility Projects.” With the successful administration of the Accessibility Project grants in 2018, 2019 and 2020, DABC was again selected to administer Accessibility Project 2021.

Accessibility Projects must focus on at least one of the following:

Accessible employment;

  • Accessible emergency planning and response;
  • Accessible arts, culture and tourism;
  • Accessible sports and recreation;
  • Accessible education and learning;
  • Accessible community participation.

Funding of $10,000 to $40,000 per project will be disbursed to a maximum of $450,000. Proposals are due by October 2nd, 2021 and funding for successful projects will be disbursed in early 2022. 

For complete details about eligible organizations and projects, and to access the Call for Proposals (CFP), Application Form, and accompanying documents, please visit our website: