Call for Research Participants from SFU Student
BCCPD has received the following notice:
Call for Research Participants
Project title: The lived experiences of Income Assistance Designations Persons with Disabilities (PWD) and Persons with Persistent Multiple Barriers (PPMB).
Hello! My name is Katie Forman, I am a Master’s student in Anthropology at Simon Fraser University. I am doing research that explores people’s experiences applying for PWD (Persons with Disabilities) and PPMB (Persons with Persistent Multiple Barriers) Income Assistance.
I am looking for people to who have applied for PWD or PPMB or are going to apply for PWD or PPMB to participate in this research.
This could mean:
– Having a conversation with me about your experience
– Having a series of conversations if you like
– Having a meeting with friends or family if you choose
To start I’d like to meet with you for a conversation (no longer than an hour) at a coffee shop, library or another place you feel comfortable. Your involvement in this project will be kept confidential if you choose.
By participating in this research you can:
– Gain experience working in research projects
– Have input on Income Assistance research
– Make new social connections
Please contact me if you are interested in becoming involved or would like to know more. If you know anyone who would like to be involved feel free to give them my information.
Katie Forman
SFU Student Researcher
Phone: 778-996-9725