Celebrating United Nations Day 2014: October 24th and 25th

Unitarian Centre of Vancouver, 49th Ave and Oak St. 

Friday, October 24th, 7-9 pm
Why Does BC Need the UN’s Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)?
With Vangelis Nikias (Council of Canadians with Disabilities/CCD), Erick Fabris (ethnographer/activist and author of Tranquil Prisons, coordinator of “Mad Canada Shadow Report”) and Adrianne Fitch (past Director West Coast Mental Health Network)

Saturday, October 25th, 1-4 pm
UNCRPD Shadow Report Story Gathering
with Erick Fabris and artist/rights activist Jewelles Smith
Participants may choose to share their stories of “pychosocial disability” for a cross-Canada alternative report on discrimination for the United Nations.

Saturday, October 25th, 7-9 pm
Mad Stories Connection with Erick Fabris
Story telling workshop for community building and fun.
(Limited to 16 participants, please register: info@vancouverunitarians.ca or 604-261-7204 ext. 0)

Celebrating United Nations Day 2014