Community Update: DABC Publication Update
Dear Community Partner,
We have completed a full update of our Help Sheets and Canada Pension Plan Disability Guides (CPP-D) Guides:
DABC Help Sheets
#2: The Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Benefit Application
#3: Checklist for the PWD Benefit
#4: Monthly Nutritional Supplement (MNS)
#5A: Appealing Denial of the PWD Benefit: The Reconsideration Request
#5B: Appealing Denial of the PWD Benefit: The Appeal Tribunal
#6: Persons with Persistent and Multiple Barriers to Employment (PPMB)
#7: Health Supplements for People with Disabilities
#8: Trusts for People Receiving the PWD Benefit
#9: Employment, Education and Training for People with Disabilities
#10: People with Disabilities on Reserve: The PWD Designation
#11A: Appealing Denial of PPMB: The Reconsideration Request
#11B: Appealing Denial of PPMB: The Appeal Tribunal
#12: Income Assistance Application Process for People with Disabilities
#13: Rate Amounts for PWD and PPMB Benefits
#14: The Disability Tax Credit
#15: The Registered Disability Savings Plan
#16: Guide to Filing Income Taxes for People Receiving PWD/PPMB
The Help Sheets are available on the DABC website. You are welcome to download and copy them.
CPP-D Application Guide
CPP-D Appeals: The Reconsideration Request
CPP-D Benefits Checklist
The CPP-D Guides are available on the DABC website. You are welcome to download and copy them.
If you have a few minutes, we’d really appreciate it if you could help us by completing a 6 question survey about our Help Sheets. Your feedback will help ensure we provide the best service we can and shows our funders how we serve the community. Here’s a link to the survey:
If you have any questions please call Val at 604-875-0188 or contact her by email at
Best regards,
Jane Dyson, Executive Director
Val Stapleton, Membership and Outreach Coordinator