DABC Supports the Right to Food Philosophy at Gordon Neighbourhood House

Gordon Neighbourhood House (GNH) in the West End of Vancouver uses food to nourish the community in a variety of ways, including the facilitation of intercultural exchange and dialogue, community capacity-building, and community development. GNH’s food philosophy is why DABC is partnering with them. Our goal is to get people with disabilities involved in food issues in the West End and to help improve their food access and security.


  1. An understanding that food brings us together and can act as a vehicle for community-building.
  2. A recognition that all members of our community have a Right to Food based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, while also acknowledging that we as a community enjoy various levels of access to food.
  3. A commitment to sharing fresh, non-expired, healthy, and locally-sourced food whenever possible.
  4. A commitment to sharing food that is nutrient-dense, low in refined sugar and sodium, and not overly-processed.
  5. A commitment to working toward increased access to food for those who are nutritionally vulnerable.
  6. A commitment to providing opportunities for increased food literacy and community capacity-building for our neighbours.
  7. A commitment to sharing foods that reflect the diversity of our community, city, country and world.
  8. An awareness of the impact that our food choices have on the environment.
  9. A commitment to the reduction of our organizational ecological footprint by minimizing packaging and ongoing composting.
  10. Support for the development of urban farms and healthy food cooperatives.
