DABC’s 2018 Employment Awards
Do you know an employer who should be celebrated for helping to ensure that more people with disabilities are employed? Or do you know an employee with a disability who you’d like to recognize for their excellent work?
Each year, DABC presents two employment awards at our annual fundraising gala, Fall Fling. Please help us promote outstanding achievement in the employment of people with disabilities by submitting a nomination. Nomination forms are available for download here.
This year’s Fall Fling gala is on September 27th at the Italian Cultural Centre. DABC’s Executive Director, Jane Dyson, is retiring this year and this will be her last DABC gala. We really hope you can join us to help celebrate her 20-year legacy advocating for people with disabilities! To purchase tickets, please call 604-875-0188 or visit: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/fall-fling-gala-and-fundraiser-in-support-of-disability-alliance-bc-tickets-42133372050