CPP Disability

Canada Pension Plan-Disability (CPP-D) provides financial assistance to CPP contributors who are unable to work because of a severe and prolonged disability. Recipients may receive provincial (PWD/PPMB) disability benefits in addition to CPP-D in the form of a top-up, if their CPP-D benefits fall below the provincial minimum.

To receive disability benefits from CPP-D, people must have contributed to CPP through their employment.

Our CPP-D advocacy program assists clients with CPP-D applications, reconsiderations and appeals to the Social Security Tribunal (SST). Assistance is provided in our office, by appointment or over the phone.

Please also see our CPP Disability Publications.

An Appointment is Needed to See An Advocate

There is a big demand for one-to-one assistance from our advocates, so please call Advocacy Access to book your appointment.  Thank you.

604-872-1278 in the Lower Mainland | Toll Free: 1-800-663-1278

Disability Benefits Wayfinder

Want to learn more about CPP-D? Prosper Canada, alongside DABC, Plan Institute, and the Social Research and Demonstration Corporation, has developed a Disability Benefits Wayfinder tool to help you navigate principal disability benefits. Click on the tool below for more information on CPP-D and how to get started.

Disability benefits wayfinder site