Disability Without Poverty BC Seeks Community Organizer

Disability Without Poverty is a national grassroots movement led by people with disabilities, whose aim is to end disability poverty in Canada. The Canada Disability Benefit Initiative is a project of Disability Without Poverty. It is focused on ensuring that the government follows through on its commitment for a Canada Disability Benefit, and gets this new benefit into the hands of disabled Canadians as soon as possible. The Initiative also seeks to ensure that the proposed benefit lives up to its promise and meaningfully reduces poverty for disabled Canadians. 

Disability Without Poverty BC is looking to hire a Community Organizer. Disability Without Poverty BC is funded through a grant from the Vancouver Foundation to Disability Alliance BC with additional resources committed by partner organizations in the province.

For information about the Community Organizer position and a link to the application, please click here.

Application deadline: August 8th.