Free Workshop – Victoria Disability Resource Centre

Do you receive the Persons with Disabilities benefit (PWD) or are you thinking of applying for it? The BC Coalition of People with Disabilities (BCCPD) and the Victoria Disability Resource Centre are holding a free workshop to help you understand more about PWD and other provincial benefits you may be eligible for.

BCCPD’s Robin Loxton will talk about:

  • Contacting the Ministry of Social Development with a particular focus on the Ministry’s use of computerized applications and other service delivery issues
  • Supplementary (other) benefits for people receiving PWD
  • The Registered Disability Savings Plan (basic points)

The workshop will allow plenty of time for participants to ask Robin questions.

 March 23rd 2012
1:00 – 3:00 PM
Victoria Disability Resource Centre
817 A Fort Street, Victoria, BC

 If you would like to attend the workshop, please email Nicole Kiyooka at  or call her at 1-800-663-1278.

Or contact Erin Davis at or call 250-595-0044 extension #108.

Hope to see you at the workshop!