Opportunity to provide input in the Family Law Act Modernization
Are you a Disabled Person with lived experience of the Family Law Act? An Invitation to join a dialogue about Family Law in BC.
B.C.’s Ministry of Attorney General (the Ministry) is pleased to invite People with Disabilities with lived experience in topics related to families to participate in an upcoming regional dialogue session on the modernization of the Family Law Act. The topics of the discussion will be:
- Parents’ and guardians’ responsibilities for making decisions about a child and spending time with a child
- Protection from family violence
- Parenting assessments and reports on the needs and views of a child
The session will be in person and limited to a small group of individuals with lived experience.
WHEN: April 8, 2024 1:30-3:00 PM
City Centre Branch of the Surrey Public Library
Room 401 – 10350 University Drive
Surrey, BC V3T 4B8
For Those Who Live Outside the Lower Mainland
There is also an opportunity to register for a one-on-one Zoom conversation with Jewelles Smith about your experiences.
Participants will receive a $70 honorarium.
More information about the dialogue and how to register is available here: https://www.procnenavigation.com/family-law-act