Outstanding Employer of the Year Award 2014
The BC Coalition of People with Disabilities (BCCPD) will be giving an award in 2014 to a BC employer who has demonstrated excellence in the hiring and employing of people with disabilities. A Committee will select the Award winner and the winner of an Honourary Mention.
The names of the two winners will be announced at the BCCPD’s Swing into Spring Annual Fundraiser on April 9th 2014 and publicized through our magazine, e-news and more.
We Want To Hear From You: Nominate Your Employer
Nominations for this Award must be made by an employee with a disability of the nominated business or organization. We want to hear stories from people with disabilities who have benefitted from their employer’s approach.
And the Winner Is!
The purpose of this Award is to recognize an employer who has gone the extra mile to ensure that a person with a disability has been able to obtain and maintain employment. The Award winner and winner of the Honourary Mention will be the employers the Committee judges to have demonstrated extraordinary innovation and support for their employee/s with a disability.
Download the Outstanding Employer of the Year Award Nomination Form, including award details and all the steps to make a nomination.