Pacific DAWN – Annual General Meeting

Pacific DAWN
(DisAbled Women’s Network)

covering British Columbia and the Yukon

 Invites you to join their
Annual General Meeting

Sunday June 24, 2012
11am to 3pm

 Blusson Spinal Cord Centre
818 W. 10th Avenue, (at Willow St.)
Vancouver, B.C.

Let’s discuss:

What are our Issues?
What are the Solutions?

We are the experts on our own experiences and using Open Spaces
We will share our knowledge.

Following the formal Annual General Meeting there will be an opportunity to discuss the issues we face as women with disAbilties and a brainstorming session about what are some of the solutions.

For further information or to lets us know you are coming please contact Pat Kelln Spokesperson Pacific DAWN at or 604-524-2329

Note: Light snacks will be served so we need to know how many are coming.

If you are a member and would like to attend, but lack of funds does not allow you to please contact us as there are some funds available for travel and accommodation.

Pacific DAWN invites and urges you to also attend the
BC Coalition of People with Disabilities Annual General Meeting

June 23 10:30 am to 1:05pm; same location The Blusson Spinal Cord Centre.