Part 7 Accident Benefits
BCCPD has been advocating for a long overdue change to Part 7 of the Insurance Motor Vehicle Act. Part 7 Benefits ensure that British Columbians who are injured in automobile accidents receive rehabilitation services and wage benefits to compensate them while they are injured. Part 7 also provides death benefits to families for funeral expenses and lost income.
Part 7’s current rates and provisions are out-of-step with today’s costs and are leaving claimants without the services and financial support they need. In 2007, we prepared a paper: Part 7 Accident Benefits: A Time for Change with recommendations that will help ensure that British Columbians who are injured in automobile accidents and their families can obtain the services and support they need.
Since 2010, BCCPD has coordinated a stakeholder group of community organizations who have come together to convince ICBC of the need for changes to Part 7. ICBC and the groups have had a number of very positive meetings and we are continuing to work with ICBC on this issue.