CARMA Capacity Building

Pearson Residents Redevelopment Group

The 27 acre land site where George Pearson Centre is located will soon be redeveloped. CARMA and the Pearson Centre Residents Council are facilitating the Pearson Residents Redevelopment Group (PRRG) to ensure that there is an independent voice for Pearson residents during the redevelopment of the Pearson Lands. PRRG has been playing an active role in the planning process.

Learn more at

Eden Alternative and Envisioning Home

The EDEN Alternative is an innovative philosophy of long-term care.  It believes that loneliness, helplessness and boredom account for most of the suffering experienced by residents living in long-term care.  The EDEN Alternative seeks to eliminate these by creating a vibrant living and working environment for its residents and staff.

In 2008, the residents at George Pearson Centre engaged in a participatory action research project called Envisioning Home. The results confirmed the importance of moving the EDEN Alternative philosophy of care forward. In order to improve the quality of life at Pearson Centre, the residents support the implementation of the EDEN Alternative and constantly strive to insert EDEN into discussions about services at Pearson.

For more information, please visit the Pearson Residents website at

Farmers on 57th

There’s a big, beautiful agricultural project at George Pearson Centre, thanks to a partnership between the Community and Resident Mentors Association (CARMA) and Farmers on 57th.

Visit the Farmers on 57th website at​

Pearson Residents’ Website

One of the strategies that CARMA uses to encourage Pearson residents to hope and to dream is by finding ways to build bridges to the world outside.

The Pearson Residents’ website is produced by the residents of George Pearson Centre, who say, “we invite you to look into our lives in this care facility and to share our hopes, our gifts and our struggles.”

Read stories, watch videos and learn more at

Community Kitchen

DABC’s CARMA program sponsors the monthly Able Community Kitchen. The community kitchen brings together Pearson residents and community members to share food knowledge and meal preparation skills.

Read about the Able Community kitchen at