Provide your input: Renfrew/Rupert Station Area Plan
Do you live or work near Rupert or Renfrew Skytrain stations in Vancouver? If so, the City of Vancouver is starting a new area plan around the Rupert and Renfrew SkyTrain stations and they would like you to provide your input by attending an on-line workshop on June 27 from 10-11:30 am. A $40 honourarium will be provided. They will also offer ASL and closed captioning.
To determine if you live/work within the relevant zone, please see the map below, which generally shows the area between Nanaimo and Boundary, and between 1st Ave and 22nd Ave.
The Renfrew Rupert Station Area Plan is a policy document that will shape the short and long-term growth in the area. The area plan will help to:
• Advance reconciliation
• Add new housing options close to transit
• Make it easier to walk or roll through the area
• Protect Still Creek and manage flood risk; and
• Support job growth.
The City of Vancouver are interested in hearing about your experiences in the neighbourhood (what is special, what is missing, what services do you use, what areas are problematic, etc.). They will have a group mapping activity as well as a questionnaire. The City of Vancouver will provide some material in advance of the workshop, such as questions for discussion and more background information on the area plan.
Disability Alliance BC is helping to organize participation in this workshop. The City of Vancouver and Disability Alliance BC respect the privacy of interested participants and wish to assure that any feedback received during the workshop will not be connected or recorded in any way so as to identify any specific person.
If you would like to attend, please email with the subject heading: “Rupert and Renfrew Workshop” and include your name and mailing address, which will be used to mail your honourarium after the workshop. If you are unable to provide a mailing address, Disability Alliance BC can arrange to have your honourarium picked up at our office in downtown Vancouver.
A maximum of ten participants will be selected to join this workshop. Only selected participants will be contacted for further details.