Public Consultation: Accessible and Adaptable Housing Bylaw changes

City of Vancouver to Update the Building Code

Accessible & Adaptable Housing for Seniors & People with Disabilities

Please give your feedback to the city!

Why the update?   To make all new houses, townhouses, duplexes, laneway houses, and apartments more accessible and adaptable. These changes will make it possible for people with disabilities to be able to live in new homes and for seniors to be able to age in place.

What are the proposed changes?  The proposed changes include many good things such as:

Wider doors, stairs and halls; level door thresholds; easy to reach/use switches, controls and faucets; lower drain pipes so counters can be lowered easily; accessible bathroom; accessible shower drain or ability to install an accessible shower without undue expense; bathroom walls reinforced so grab bars can easily be installed.

What’s missing?
The current proposed bylaw provides good accessibility on the inside of homes, but it does not require accessibility on the outside.   This means that there won’t be an accessible way to get to or from the entrance of the home.  An accessible path from the outside to the inside of a home is not yet required. This needs to go through a different process involving the Planning Department.

Please give the City your comments about the bylaw.
It’s important that everyone participate in the public consultation.
 Please go to the City of Vancouver website: & click on Public Consultation Round 4.  You can also email comments & concerns to the Chief Building Official, Will Johnston, at

Consultation closes April 30, 2013
Please give your feedback to the City