Tyee article on the challenges of living on disability benefits

The Tyee published an interesting and informative article today on the challenges of living on provincial disability benefits in BC. The article references the Disability Without Poverty Network’s paper Overdue: The Case for Increasing the Persons with Disabilities Benefit in BC.  The Network is comprised of five organizations, including the BCCPD.

To read the full article, visit the following link: “She Drove Trucks, Now ‘I Can’t Make Ends Meet'”

Disability Without Poverty Network

In April 2011, the BCCPD formed the Disability Without Poverty Network (DWP). In addition to the BCCPD the Network’s members are the BC Association for Community Living (BCACL), Canadian Mental Health Association – BC and Yukon Division (CMHA), Social Planning and Research Council (SPARC) and the Community Legal Assistance Society (CLAS).

The Network has just completed a paper entitled, Overdue: The Case for Increasing the Persons with Disabilities Benefit in BC, calling on the province to increase the Persons with Disabilities Benefit (PWD) rate, index benefits and introduce a rent assistance program for PWD recipients.

You can access the paper at this link: http://www.bccpd.bc.ca/dwpnetwork.htm

"The Welfarization of Poverty"

On Mar. 22, 2012, John Stapleton spoke at a workshop entitled “People with disabilities living in poverty: why are the numbers going up?” In his address, “The Welfarization of Poverty,” John examines the often confusing patchwork of programs that make up the social safety net in Canada for people with disabilities.

The workshop was sponsored by:
– The Allan Simpson Memorial Fund
– The Manitoba League of Persons with a Disability
– The Council of Canadians with Disabilities
– The Disabilities Issues office, Government of Manitoba
– The Social Planning Council of Winnipeg

View a video of the presentation at the following link:
