"Ask an Expert" webinars on the DTC and RDSP
- Ask an Expert: DTC and other Disability Tax Supports – October 9th
- Ask an Expert: RDSP and other Disability Financial Planning Considerations – October 30th
In 2014, the government of BC declared October RDSP Awareness Month to help raise awareness about the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) and its prerequisite, the Disability Tax Credit (DTC).
The RDSP was created by the federal government as a long-term savings plan for people with disabilities and their families. Eligible people can benefit from an RDSP even if they cannot put any money into the plan and it will not affect their other disability benefits. Individuals 49 and under who qualify for the RDSP may be eligible for government grants and bonds, which can total up to $90,000 over the lifetime of the RDSP – even with little to no personal contributions.
We’ve just launched our updated DTC tool, now called “My DTC”, to help people get the process started. Check it out here! We will be joining our Access RDSP partners in hosting online “Ask the Experts” webinars on the DTC and RDSP. Register for the October 9th session here or the October 30th session here. We are also introducing the DTC Medical Fees Fund—a fundraiser to help people cover the cost of out-of-pocket medical fees when applying for the DTC.
Check out the RDSP Awareness Month page on RDSP.com: https://www.rdsp.com/month/.
You can also find information at https://www.rdsp.com/supports-
Follow us this month on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to see everything we are doing to celebrate. And use #RDSPAwarenessMonth when you’re talking about RDSP Awareness Month!
The Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) is a new program from the federal government intended to help Canadians who experience financial barriers to adequate oral health care—specifically, households with an annual income of below $90,000 who have no existing dental coverage.
The CDCP began its invitations for applications in phases. Beginning in December 2023, seniors (65+) were the first group invited to apply for the CDCP.
As of June 27th 2024, children under the age of 18, as well as adults between the ages of 18 and 65 who have a valid Disability Tax Credit (DTC) certificate are now able to apply online and over the phone. DABC offers resources and services to help residents of BC apply for the DTC. Please call 604-872-1278 or email rdsp@dabc.ca for more information.
To be eligible to receive coverage from the CDCP, you must:
*Access to Dental Coverage includes:
This does not include dental coverage from existing provincial, territorial or federal social programs, including PWD. You can still apply for the CDCP. This existing coverage will work alongside the CDCP to ensure there are no gaps in coverage. In British Columbia, these social programs include the Healthy Kids Program and BC Employment and Assistance (BCEA) Program. You can find out how these plans will be coordinated with the CDCP here: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/dental/dental-care-plan/providers/fact-sheet-bc.html
If SDPR clients have CDCP coverage:
It is beneficial for clients to apply for CDCP as they may cover a portion of the dental expenses not covered by PBC. If SDPR clients do not have CDCP coverage, there is no change, and dental providers will follow the current process with PBC.
How to Apply
Applications will be accepted through the Government of Canada’s online portal here: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/dental/dental-care-plan/apply.html
To apply, you must be able to provide your (and, if applicable, your spouse’s or common-law partner’s):
If you are applying on behalf of someone else, you cannot apply online. If you are not able to apply online, you can apply through phone by calling 1-833-537-4342.
You can ask a trusted individual to help you apply over the phone. You must be able to provide clear consent that you agree to let them help you on the phone call.
Once you submit your application online, you will receive an Application Code on the application confirmation page. You can use this code to check the status of your application online here:
How It Works
The CDCP is administrated by Health Canada and coverage will be managed through Sun Life. If your application is approved, you will receive a package from Sun Life in the mail within three months of applying. This package will include a membership card, a coverage start date, and a summary of CDCP covered services. Services received before this start date will not be eligible for reimbursement from the CDCP.
To receive CDCP coverage, you can book an appointment on or after the coverage start date with a participating oral health care provider. These providers must have voluntarily signed up to participate in the CDCP. Please ask the provider before booking the appointment if they are participating in the CDCP or alternatively, you can check Sun Life’s list of participating providers here: https://www.sunlife.ca/sl/cdcp/en/member/provider-search/
These participating providers will directly bill CDCP for reimbursement.
Beginning July 8th 2024, it will be possible for oral health care providers who have not voluntarily signed up to participate in the CDCP, by direct billing Sun Life on a claim-by-claim basis. This means if you have a preferred provider who has not signed up for CDCP, the provider can agree to direct bill Sun Life for services that are covered by CDCP.
Before you receive care from any provider, you should also:
CDCP Coverage of Services
The CDCP will cover the cost of oral health care services based on an established list of CDCP “fees”. This means that for any CDCP approved oral health care service, there is a set amount or “fee” the CDCP will cover for that service. This amount may not be covered completely. This is based on your income, which may result in co-payment.
Co-Payment Levels
Depending on your adjusted family net income below $90,000, CDCP will only cover a portion of CDCP established fees.
Scope of Services and CDCP Fees
Please refer to the Canada Dental Care Benefits Guide for the list of approved services covered, as well as the frequency limits of those services. There are also different requirements for different services. This can include the type of the tooth, the age of the patient, health conditions and more. The general list of services includes:
Many services require preauthorization from the CDCP. This means that the service must be approved by the CDCP prior to being performed, using the recommendation of the health care service provider. These preauthorization services will not be available for coverage until November 2024. Orthodontic services will require preauthorization and will not be available for coverage until 2025.
Preauthorization for services will take disability status into account. This means that for individuals with a higher need for care in different service areas, the CDCP may approve coverage beyond the established service and frequency guidelines.
CDCP fees are established by the Canadian government and are not based on provincial and territorial health care providers’ associations fee guides. You can find the established fees on Sun Life’s Dental Benefit Grids here: https://www.sunlife.ca/sl/cdcp/en/provider/dental-benefit-grids/
This means that the service provider fee may be more than the established CDCP fee and will require the patient to pay for a portion of the service themselves. This is why it is important to clarify CDCP coverage before receiving any service.
Coverage Period and Re-Enrollment
The CDCP coverage period will extend for 1 calendar year from July 1st to June 30th. Individuals will have to re-enroll every year by July 1st to ensure they continue to meet all eligibility criteria. The details for this process have not been announced.
How we can help
For more information on the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) please click here.
The Access RDSP Program can help you apply for the Disability Tax Credit (DTC). Please email rdsp@dabc.ca or call 604-923-8136 for more information.
The Tax AID Partnership can help file your 2023 taxes. Find local support near you:
Disability Alliance BC
1450-605 Robson Street, Vancouver, BC, V6B 5J3
Tel: 236-477-1717 Toll Free 1-877-940-7797
Ki-Low-Na Friendship Society
442 Leon Ave, Kelowna, BC V1Y 6J3
Tel: 250-763-4905
Together Against Poverty Society
828 View Street, Victoria, BC, V8W 1K2
Tel: 250-361-3521
Active Support Against Poverty Society
1188 6 Ave, Prince George, BC V2L 3M6
Tel: 250-563-6112 Toll-free: 1-877-563-6112