BC Wildfires

Disability Alliance BC is saddened to hear about the devastation wrought by the current wildfires happening across BC. We would like to draw attention to the organizations that are supporting wildfire relief, such as the Canadian Red Cross and the United Way’s BC Wildfire Recovery Fund.

DABC will match all staff donations up to a grand total of $1,000 towards the Canadian Red Cross’ BC Wildfires Appeal or another registered charity that is directly supporting people affected by the wildfires happening across our Province. We are mindful that people with disabilities are more adversely affected during emergency situations, and that bringing together a staff-wide donation effort aligns with our values as an organization.

We would also like to highlight the relief efforts for evacuees in Yellowknife, NWT. CanadaHelps has compiled a list of charities providing relief efforts: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/support-the-northwest-territories-wildfire-relief-efforts/.

Our organization has produced many publications over the years that share important information on disability inclusion during emergency response. Find them here: https://disabilityalliancebc.org/category/publications/emergency-prep/.

Please share these publications in your communities; we want to ensure that the unique needs of people with disabilities are not forgotten during this time.

Northern Vancouver Island Communities Receive Emergency Preparedness Training

On March 13th the BCCPD delivered the one-day workshop, Prepare to Survive – Prepare to Help, in Port McNeill. Twenty people from six communities came out in a snow storm to take the workshop. There were representativs from Emergency Social Services, Fire, Ambulance, mental health groups, independent living, First Nations, as well as individuals with disabilities and seniors.

Workshop participants really liked the CMIST (Communications, Medical, Functional Independence, Supervision, and Transportation needs) approach and personal preparedness exercises and handouts.

For more information on the Prepare to Survive training contact Karen Martin, karen@bccpd.bc.ca