13 posts found for food access
The BC Food Security Gateway
The BC Food Security Gateway (the Gateway) is an online resource that provides BC communities with up-to-date food security information.
The Gateway is meant to inform and link you to projects, initiatives, and organizations in British Columbia as well as publications, tools, guides, and news – so that you, too, can contribute to building food security in BC.
The Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) manages the Gateway in partnership with the Public Health Association of BC (PHABC).
Check out their website, which also has an interactive map of BC that you can explore to find out about food security networks and food policy councils in your community.
BC Food Systems Network Committed to Dignity, Independence and Integration
The BC Food Systems Network links people all over the province involved in community-level action related to food. The Network highlights the way food issues cross cultures, sectors, and age groups. Through social media, email networks and annual meetings, they share insights, initiatives, strategies and critical analysis of events in the food system. They hold an Annual Gathering every year where they share their work and exchange ideas.
The BC Food Systems Network is committed to principles of dignity, independence, integration, and equal opportunity and use Tides Canada’s Accessibility Policy and Plan for working with people with disabilities. Membership in the Network is open to any person or group who supports their mission and democratic, inclusive process. Check them out: http://bcfsn.org/