Free course on episodic disabilities for human resource professionals

Time sensitive! Register by Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation (CWGHR) ( has received funding to grant access to the Managing Episodic Disabilities: Accommodation Best Practices course to a maximum of 30 HR professionals in small/medium sized businesses free of charge ($349 value) over a 6 week period, beginning April 16th, 2012.

Participants in this 6 week course must work for a small/medium sized business. Continuing education credits will be available upon completion of the entire course for selected HR associations across Canada .

Participants in this program will be asked to post to an online forum on episodic disabilities in the workplace for HR professionals weekly during the 6 weeks of course access. Course access is available in both English and French.

For additional information see: (overview available in English only) or contact Melissa Popiel at

For those interested in participating, a statement of interest (maximum one page) can be sent to by email by Thursday April 12th, 2012.

Beneficial Effects of Pets and Animal-Human Interaction

We wrote in January about a project we are working on to make it easier for people to access housing if they have an animal. We are proposing that when someone is unable to access housing because they have an animal and cannot reach agreement with a landlord they should have the option, as a last resort, to have a health professional indicate they need their animal for their health and emotional well-being.

Earlier this week, MLA Linda Reid spoke about this work in the Legislature:

March 5, 2012
L. Reid:

Today I’m dedicating my remarks to Jane Dyson, the executive director of the B.C. Coalition of People with Disabilities. Comfort, solace, companionship, bonding — all are characteristics of a settled life. Dr. Coren of UBC talks about one of the newest trends in medical research, which focuses on the relationship between people and their pets and the effect this has on their physical and mental well-being.

The scientific data is unequivocal in showing that dogs can be a significant factor in dealing with stress responses for all people and can have a major beneficial effect on special groups, such as persons with physical and mental disabilities, seniors and others who may be socially isolated.

The medical recognition of the significance of the human-animal bond and its influence on human psychological health has become a subject of serious research. Human findings include lower blood pressure, relaxed heart rate, regular breathing and less muscle tension — all signs of reduced stress. Individuals with disabilities are particularly susceptible to stress, and hence, all of the secondary problems associated. Up to 25 percent of people who seek the services of a general practitioner do so for depressive and anxiety disorders.

Depression is considered to be much more disabling, socially and physically, than many chronic conditions. Although depression can be caused by many factors, one of the most common is loneliness. People who lack human contact often benefit from pet ownership and the emotional bond that pets provide.

Recently researchers looked at a group of people 60 and older living alone or only with a pet. Non–pet owners were four times more likely to be diagnosed as clinically depressed than pet owners of the same age. The evidence also showed that pet owners required fewer medical services and were more satisfied with their lives.

In the year 2010 Dr. Aubrey Fine edited a stunning collection of chapters on animal-assisted therapy, theoretical foundations and guidelines for practice, in which the authors explore the animal-human bond — from the use of animals with individuals with autism spectrum disorder to human-animal interactions in successful aging.

Animals have become an important part of the lives of many people of all ages, and there are now numerous studies to support the beneficial effects, both physiological and psychosocial.

Wanted: Participants for Focus Group on Health Care Communication

The BC Coalition for People with Disabilities is seeking 8-10 people aged 40 and older with chronic health issues/disabilities for a focus group. Participants will discuss their experiences communicating with health care professionals. The purpose of this discussion is to identify improvements or strategies that could be used to increase successful interaction.

The focus group findings will be used for an article on communication in health care situations and participant input will be kept anonymous.

No honourarium is available but light refreshments will be provided.

When: Wednesday, March 21, 2012, 2:00-3:30 pm

Where: BCCPD office, #204-456 West Broadway, Vancouver

If you are interested, please contact Shelley by emailing or phoning 604-875-0188.