TransLink is recruiting for new members of the HandyDART Users’ Advisory Committee!

The South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority (TransLink) is accepting applications for the 2022 HandyDART Users’ Advisory Committee (HDUAC) until October 1, 2021 at 11:59 p.m.

The purpose of the HDUAC is for HandyDART customers and their representatives to provide advice and guidance on HandyDART plans, programs and other initiatives, and to advise TransLink on matters to improve HandyDART service for customers. The HDUAC allows TransLink to hear directly from customers and stakeholders and ensure the service meets their needs.

HandyDART customers, or individuals who have direct experience working with them, are eligible to sit on the HDUAC. If you take a collaborative approach to improving the service, we encourage you to apply. Members serve for two-year terms, with the option to extend for a maximum term of four years. Members attend a minimum of four meetings per year, hosted by TransLink. Members are appointed by the TransLink Board.

Please note, that meetings are currently being held virtually, and this may continue for the foreseeable future.

For more information or to apply online, visit the Access Transit page or call 778-375-7665.