
From 2017-2018, we created a series of videos and help sheets for people with disabilities who are victims of crime as part of the How I Need to Know project. These resources are for victim serving organizations, victim support workers and people with disabilities. Videos are in plain language and sign language/captioned. We partnered with: Communications Disabilities Access Canada; Ending Violence Association (EVA) BC; Inclusion BC; Provincial Office of Domestic Violence, BC Ministry of Children and Families; and the BC Ministry of Public Safety, Community Programs, Victim Services and Crime Prevention. This project was generously funded by the Department of Justice Victim’s Fund.

Through the 2019 Project Sexual Assault Reporting Options: Increasing Access for Women with Disabilities, we created a sign language and captioned video for people who are deaf on sexual assault reporting options, I’ve Been Sexually Assaulted: Who Can I Tell?

We thank the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, Civil Forfeiture Crime Prevention and Remediation Grant Program – Civil Forfeiture Grant, for their generous support.

To view the videos listed above, please visit our Youtube channel (click here).

To view the Help Sheets: