Let’s Talk About Access to Food

Part of DABC’s and SPARC BC’s
Women with Disabilities Networking for Health and Wellness Series

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7TH, 5:00 – 7:30 PM

What is Food Security? It is having reliable access to a sufficient amount of affordable, safe, and nutritious food.

Session one we will:

  • Talk about barriers to accessing affordable, healthy food
  • Women will share coping skills they have learned and programs they know about in their communities with their peers
  • Share a meal together

Session two we will:

  • Have a presentation about community gardens and community kitchens
  • Share information about community resources, such as: food boxes, free or low-cost community meals, and community food networks
  • Talk about how we can advocate for food security for people with disabilities
  • Share a meal together

Disability supports, transportation costs and a light meal will be provided to participants. Registration is required. Please contact Karen Martin, karen@bccpd.bc.ca

Look for information in our next e-newsletter on our upcoming October sessions on menopause and disability.

Sessions generously funded by Shoppers Drug Mart Life Foundation, Women’s Health Program.