Access RDSP Receives the Excellence in Health Promotion Award

On Saturday, June 2, Access RDSP received the 2018 Excellence in Health Promotion Award from Doctors of BC at their annual Awards Ceremony. The award celebrates a non-profit that has demonstrated creativity and initiative to improve and protect the health and safety of British Columbians, with potential for positive, long-term and measurable improvement. Staff members of BC Aboriginal Network on Disability Society (BCANDS), Disability Alliance BC (DABC) and Plan Institute attended the event to receive the award. We are thrilled to have the work of our partnership recognized by Doctors of BC.

The Registered Disability Savings Plan is a financial empowerment tool for people with disabilities that enables them to access the resources they need to manage their health and wellness as they age. Access RDSP provides support for individuals to open a plan and educational resources for people with disabilities, support staff and health practitioners.

We are grateful to the Vancouver Foundation for generously supporting this project.

For more information on the Registered Disability Savings Plan, visit: or call 1-844-311-7526.