DABC Community Update: Help Sheets Updated

Dear Community Partner,

Over the past year, there have been several changes to the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) benefit, including a rate increase and changes to the BC Bus Pass Program. To reflect these and other changes, we have fully updated our Help Sheet series.

To view the series, please visit the Money and Income Supports page on our website: https://disabilityalliancebc.therightfitbc.org/money.htm.

Hard copies are also available. If you would like us to mail you copies, please contact Val at 604-875-0188 or feedback@disabilityalliancebc.therightfitbc.org.

The list of our Help Sheets is as follows:

Help Sheet #2: The Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Benefit Application
Help Sheet #3: Checklist for the PWD Benefit
Help Sheet #4: Monthly Nutritional Supplement (MNS)
Help Sheet #5A: Appealing Denial of the PWD Benefit: The Reconsideration Request
Help Sheet #5B: Appealing Denial of the PWD Benefit: The Appeal Tribunal
Help Sheet #6: Persons with Persistent and Multiple Barriers to Employment (PPMB)
Help Sheet #7: Health Supplements for People with Disabilities
Help Sheet #8: Trusts for People Receiving the PWD Benefit
Help Sheet #9: Employment, Education and Training for People with Disabilities
Help Sheet #11A: Appealing Denial of PPMB: The Reconsideration Request
Help Sheet #11B: Appealing Denial of PPMB: The Appeal Tribunal
Help Sheet #12: Income Assistance Application Process for People with Disabilities
Help Sheet #13: Rate Amounts for PWD and PPMB Benefits
Help Sheet #14: Registered Disability Savings Plan and the Disability Tax Credit
Help Sheet #15: People with Disabilities on Reserve: The PWD Designation
Help Sheet #16: Guide to Filing Income Taxes for People Receiving PWD/PPMB