DABC and others ask Ministry to remove earnings restrictions

Did you know disabled workers can only earn $16,200 a year before they lose access to their disability benefits? And when they lose access to their disability benefits it sometimes can mean they lose access to other entitlements such as housing.

Living Wage Employers who want to do the right thing face a difficult dilemma – do they pay their disabled staff less by offering them fewer hours than their non-disabled peers or do they let their staff lose access to the support they’re entitled to?

We’ve partnered with Living Wage for Families BC and BC Poverty Reduction Coalition on an open letter to Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction Sheila Malcolmson, to ask her to use the upcoming review of the Poverty Reduction Strategy to remove these restrictions and allow disabled workers to earn a Living Wage. 50 other employers have also signed the letter.

Read the letter and share: https://www.livingwageforfamilies.ca/openletter

Press release: https://tinyurl.com/3kykdkpz

Letter to federal Justice Minister and federal party leaders re: MAiD

DABC was one of the over 50 disability/human rights organizations that signed on to this letter regarding Medical Assistance in Dying (#MAiD) that was sent to The Honourable David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, and federal party leaders.

Letter to Justice Minister Lametti calling for the government to fully roll back the sunset clause for MAiD and repeal track two for persons not terminally ill. / Lettre au ministre de la Justice Lametti appelant le gouvernement à annuler complètement la clause de temporisation pour l'AMM et à abroger la deuxième voie pour les personnes qui ne sont pas en phase terminale
Letter to Justice Minister Lametti calling for the government to fully roll back the sunset clause for MAiD and repeal track two for persons not terminally ill. / Lettre au ministre de la Justice Lametti appelant le gouvernement à annuler complètement la clause de temporisation pour l'AMM et à abroger la deuxième voie pour les personnes qui ne sont pas en phase terminale