Letter to Minister Coleman about Group Home Residents Relocation

Letter to Minister Coleman about Assessment and Relocation of Group Home Residents


August 13th 2010

Honourable Rich Colemam, Minister of Housing and Social Development

Dear Minister Coleman,

We are writing to express our deep concern about the assessment and relocation program of group home residents that is currently being undertaken by Community Living BC (CLBC). (more…)

Long Term Disability Benefits Bill

Long-Term Disability Benefits Bill

Read the BC Coalition of People with Disabilities’ letter to MPs and Senators asking them to support Senator Art Eggleton’s Bill S-216 which would amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act. The Bill will prevent Canadians who need Long Term Disability (LTD) benefits from being denied income supports when companies with uninsured plans become insolvent. (more…)

Our CPP-D Program is open in 2011

BCCPD’s Canada Pension Plan Disability Program Stays Open

advocatemei.jpgBCCPD’s Canada Pension Plan Disability (CPP-D) Program will stay open for another year thanks to a grant from the Law Foundation of BC.

And thanks to a grant from the Notary Foundation of BC, in 2011 we will be updating our CPP-D advocate’s manuals and translating them into Traditional Chinese and Punjabi.

If you need assistance or information about applying or appealing the denial of CPP-D please call our Advocacy Access program at 604-872-1278 or 1-800-663-1278.

Click here for the CPP-D Program page.

Thank you to the Law Foundation of BC and the Notary Foundation of BC for their support of our work.