Webinar on PWD Reconsiderations and Tribunal Hearings

Graphic with the DABC and ICBC logos, a graphic of a person on a computer screen with a speech bubble over their head, and text that says "Join our upcoming webinar. PWD Reconsiderations and Tribunal Hearings. Made possible thanks to generous funding from ICBC. Location: Zoom. Date: October 30th, 2024. Time: 2 pm PST (further dates to come). www.dabc.ca"

Join our upcoming webinar, a presentation on the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction’s reconsideration process and EAAT hearings.

When: October 30, 2024 at 2 pm PST.
Where: Zoom

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ICoQwZrETdaCfgDq8Q00Ew#/registration

Webinar made possible thanks to generous funding from ICBC.