Federal Internship Program for Canadians with Disabilities

We have received the following information from the Public Service Commission:

The Public Service Commission (PSC) is launching Cohort 5 of the Federal Internship Program for Canadians with Disabilities (FIPCD).

Supported Employment Agencies are encouraged to consider and refer candidates with a diverse range of profiles and backgrounds, including those who may typically be facing systemic barriers to employment related to key intersecting socio-demographic factors.

What is FIPCD?

Since 2019, the Public Service Commission (PSC) has managed FIPCD, a national recruitment program providing internship opportunities in the federal public service to persons with disabilities. So far, a total of 126 interns have participated in the program through 39 federal organizations.

This national program aims to increase the economic inclusion of persons with disabilities by developing key skills for future employment. It also seeks to increase public service representation and retention of persons with disabilities. The internships offered are entry-level and developmental, requiring little to no previous job experience, 18 months in duration at a minimum, and are located in cities across the country.

Next employment opportunities?

A fifth cohort has been launched this fall! Internship offers are now available. These include positions in human resources, administration, information technology, accessibility, and more.

Show your interest!

We’re excited to hear from you and your clients! Simply fill out the form linked below to express your interest. Submissions are open until December 18, 2024. The FIPCD team will carefully match your clients with the roles that best suit their interests. They can expect to hear back from us in January. We can’t wait to discover their talents! Your clients can submit their interest here: Intake Form.

For any additional questions, we invite you to consult this document: Questions and Answers or contact us at the coordinates below.

Federal Internship Program for Canadians with Disabilities

Public Service Commission of Canada / Government of Canada



La Commission de la fonction publique (CFP) lance la cinquième cohorte du Programme fédéral de stages pour les Canadiens en situation de handicap (PFSCH).

 Les agences de soutien à l’emploi sont encouragées à prendre en considération et à recommander des candidats ayant des profils et des antécédents divers, y compris ceux qui peuvent être confrontés à des obstacles systémiques à l’emploi liés à des facteurs sociodémographiques clés qui se recoupent.

Qu’est-ce que le PFSCH?

Depuis 2019, la Commission de la fonction publique (CFP) gère le PFSCH, un programme de recrutement national offrant des possibilités de stage dans la fonction publique fédérale. Au total, 126 stagiaires auront participé au programme par le biais de 39 organisations fédérales.

Ce programme national vise à accroître l’inclusion économique des personnes en situation de handicap en leur permettant d’acquérir des compétences clés en vue d’un emploi futur. Il vise également à accroître la représentation et le maintien des personnes en situation de handicap dans la fonction publique. Les stages offerts sont de niveau débutant et de perfectionnement nécessitant peu ou pas d’expérience professionnelle antérieure, d’une durée minimale de 18 mois, et se dérouler dans des villes de l’ensemble du pays.

Prochaines opportunités d’emploi?

Une cinquième cohorte a été lancée cet automne! Les offres de stages sont maintenant disponibles. Il s’agit notamment de postes dans les domaines des ressources humaines, de l’administration, des technologies de l’information, de l’accessibilité, etc.

Démontrez votre intérêt!

Nous sommes enthousiastes d’entendre parler de vous et de vos clients! Il vous suffit de remplir le formulaire ci-dessous pour exprimer votre intérêt. Les candidatures sont ouvertes jusqu’au 18 décembre 2024. L’équipe du PFSCH s’efforcera d’associer vos clients aux fonctions qui correspondent le mieux à leurs intérêts. Ils peuvent s’attendre à recevoir une réponse de notre part en janvier. Nous sommes avons hâte de découvrir leurs talents! Vos clients peuvent démontrer leur intérêt ici : Formulaire d’intérêt.


Pour toutes questions additionnelles, on vous invite à consulter ce document : Questions et réponses ou à nous contacter aux coordonnées ci-dessous.

Programme fédéral de stages pour les Canadiens en situation de handicap

Commission de la fonction publique du Canada / Gouvernement du Canada


Webinar: CPP-D eligibility and the CPP-D application

Graphic with the DABC and ICBC logos, a graphic of a person on a computer screen with a speech bubble over their head, and text that says "Join our upcoming webinar. CPP-D eligibility and the CPP-D application. Made possible thanks to generous funding from ICBC. Location: Zoom. Date: January 14th, 2025. Time: 2 pm PST. www.dabc.ca"
Join our upcoming webinar, a general overview of Canada Pension Plan-Disability (CPP-D) eligibility requirements and the CPP-D application process.

: Jan 14, 2025 at 2 pm PST.
Where: Zoom
Register here: Zoom registration

Webinar made possible thanks to generous funding from ICBC.

Statement on the Passing of Dan Coulter

All of us at Disability Alliance BC are incredibly saddened by the passing of Dan Coulter, BC’s former Parliamentary Secretary for Accessibility, Minister of State for Infrastructure and Transit and MLA for Chilliwack. Dan was a tireless advocate for the rights of persons with disabilities and was always guided in his efforts by the disability community’s motto of “Nothing about us, without us.” His work on the development of the Accessible BC Act during his time in government led the way for countless sectors, municipalities and organizations to implement accessibility plans across BC. DABC is incredibly grateful for Dan’s support of our organization in ensuring that part three of the Accessible BC Act was done in a meaningful and inclusive way. We were also heartened by his efforts to highlight the work of the Right Fit program during his time as Parliamentary Secretary. Dan’s dedicated public service and passion for building a more barrier-free, inclusive, welcoming province for everyone has been an inspiration to us all. We send our deepest condolences to his family in this most difficult of times.

The DABC Board of Directors
Julia Lamb, Jake Anthony, Liss Cairns, Pam Horton, Odette Dempsey-Caputo, Elizabeth Lalonde, Sarah Cheung, Sarina Mawji and Alyssa Vincent