#BudgetTheBenefit campaign

It has been almost 3 years since the federal government promised to create a monthly Canada Disability Benefit for people with disabilities between the ages of 18 and 64. This Benefit, when combined with other income supports, aims to lift people with disabilities out of poverty.

Take action to ensure Bill C-22 is passed into law swiftly by joining the #BudgetTheBenefit campaign, led by Disability Without Poverty!

Send a digital postcard to your MP here:

Disability Without Poverty‘s demands are:

  • Bill C-22 for a Canada Disability Benefit needs to be passed into law this Spring 2023
  • People with disabilities must be engaged in designing the benefit and implementing it in their province
  • Fund and rollout the Canada Disability Benefit in 2023. Funding must be adequate enough to lift people with disabilities out of poverty

Letter re: Canada Disability Benefit

DABC was one of the almost 150 organizations that recently signed on to a letter initiated by March of Dimes Canada, urging the government to prioritize the Canada Disability Benefit (Bill C-22) for third reading. The letter was sent to the Prime Minister, House Leaders and copied Members of Parliament.

Read the letter in English and French.

DABC's Submission to HUMA re: the Canada Disability Benefit

DABC has written a brief to the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA) relating to Bill C-22, the Canada Disability Benefit.

DABC recommends to the federal government that the Bill pass into law before the end of the year, and that the design and implementation of the Canada Disability Benefit be a collaborative process that centres people with disabilities.

Read the brief here.